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August 22, 2008


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I just discovered you from Fridaville. Your site is gorgeous and calming and wonderful. I can't wait to explore.

I aspire to be a collage artist. Right now I'm just learning, tinkering, experimenting. I've taken a little time off lately, but you've inspired me to get going again.

Mayberry Magpie

Well, I got going as I said I would, thanks to you, so I included a link to your site in my latest post to introduce you to my readers.


Hope you'll visit Mayberry some time.

Mayberry Magpie

Practice of letting go - that as a mom we begin with each new day of childhood - you would think that by the time they fly away - so many days later - we would be ready - but I cannot imagine ever really being ready for that.

Great page. I especially love the combination of colors.

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