As much as I dream about solitude and silence, I have begun to notice the myriad of small ways in which I run from it. How many times I am alone in the car and I reach for the button to fill the space with music. I will go for long spurts with not a sound in my car but once I turn on the noise, no matter how calming or inspiring, I slip back into the habit as easily as an old sweatshirt. The car is the perfect place for me to stay connected to my inner self. The perfect place for me to practice silence. No dogs, no husband, no phones, no computer, no doorbell. So this week as I sit in my quiet car for the numerous hours of driving and waiting that is part and parcel of being a mom these days, I will not reach for the radio. I will not reach for a book. I will not reach for a journal. I will practice sitting with myself in silence. I will let you know how it goes.
only in true silence can we listen fully and develop deeper intuition. i seem to have a hard time with silence for too long at a time. thanks for this reminder. i too, will be open to silence! your journal page is beautiful, as always.
Posted by: kim beller | January 16, 2009 at 10:38 AM
I'm anxious to hear how it goes.
Funny thing with silence . .. I actually crave it. I find myself going through the house turning things off, retreating behind closed doors, etc. But face the silence of meditation (the silence of the mind), and I can't take it. I get all fidgety and look for noise and action.
Posted by: Mayberry Magpie | January 16, 2009 at 02:41 PM
!!! (Noticing is the opening.)
Posted by: Karen | January 16, 2009 at 02:43 PM
I hope you do share how it goes. Sometimes I crave silence, and somtimes music. I go back and forth. But I need to get closer to myself too. I sometimes get lost in all my other roles. Lovely post...and have a beautiful, quiet weekend! roxanne
Posted by: rivergardenstudio | January 16, 2009 at 08:33 PM
I'm going to do the same thing....brilliant idea and I just need to calm my thoughts, too.
Posted by: Jennifer White | January 17, 2009 at 08:59 AM
Hi Kathleen,
My name is Amy Botsford. I have seen your blog, because I am subscribed to a site that alerts me when the name "Botsford" shows up. I like the way you write, and I fancy myself a writer as well, though you put things much more nicely than I do.
I am a Botsford because my husband is Lynn Botsford, we live in Springville, New York, and we also have three children, though they are all grown, and all girls. We also have grandchildren, so I know what you mean about "getting on in years".
I love blogging, and I would be happy to communicate with you.
Posted by: Amy Botsford | January 17, 2009 at 01:31 PM
Hey Kathy,
I love silence and it is so hard to find. I do enjoy driving with no back ground. I also like the quiet of the house. I truly enjoy when I hear the train off in the background on Rte 59.
miss you
Joan DeBlasio
Posted by: Joan deBlasio | November 09, 2011 at 03:57 PM