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January 02, 2009


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" the winds blow everyone back to their own lives amd locations. " This spoke to me. That is exactly how I feel. I have truly tried to be present for every moment this season. It seems all too soon everyone will be back at reality for the moment. I want to just enjoy the moment when we are all together. If only I could be present every moment rather than worrying and fretting about whatever.

I am working on that.

I shall have to find this "Stephen Mitchell's
translation of the Tao Te Ching "

I feel called to it.

Thank you for posting!


Love the collage.

"She steps out of the way." Oh, to learn to do this consistently. I'm so often in the way, obstructing, protesting, denying.

You've just inspired me to create my own collage with this verse!

Happy New Year Kathy! I was so happy to see a new posting from you. It looks like you're having a fabulous holiday with everyone home. I hope that 2009 is THE year for you full of self-discovery and an abundance of creativity.

Did you sign up for any Valley Ridge classes this year?

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