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January 05, 2009


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i have just stumbled upon your blog and feel as though we are living the same life.
(well, that's exaggerating), but i'm amazed at the similar thoughts and experiences.
thanks for sharing your beautiful stories, thoughts, raw truths and art.
i'm glad to have found you here today.

in peace and gratitude.

I love this post. Especially the part about creating stories...so true. Thank you for the heads up on Elizabeth Lesser being on Oprah. My dream is to attend workshops someday at both Omega and Kripalu.

Beautiful. All of your artwork has a very special feeling and look that is all Kathleen. It is enough, too. :) And then some.

Okay, number one, could you come to Mayberry and teach me to collage? I am always so admiring of your work. Mine seems to drift, but yours has a crispness and coherence that I admire.

Number two, you just hit upon my two favorite concepts. At the risk of sounding cheesy, my favorite movie is "It's a Wonderful Life" and the central message is "each of our lives touch so many more than we can know." I. Believe. This. And the other concept is we are one. Yes! In fact, this is my concept of God. One.

Love this post!

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