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February 22, 2009


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That's a great poem Kath! I like it a lot. I was reading a bit of Robert Frost yesterday, and It kind of has a similar feel, I think. I love you also. Tell the family I say hi, and that I love them...Mark

I am so glad I found you, your work ...via your recent blog post comment..thanks for this lovely comment....Your work resonates so DEEPLY with me....and I think we might have some things in common re: working from that deep place inside, from that place of soul....I love your work and can't wait to keep visiting your site regularly..I would be interested in where you are located to find out if I can participate in your soul collage workshops? Supria

"Savor the day. Save it to memory." I love that, Kath. Just beautiful and very timely. Your words always warm my heart and raise my spirit. You are wonderful.

Do tell me about your sailing experiences! I would love to hear more about them.


Okay sister....this is one of my all time favorites so far. It's stunning.... I just love the simplicity of this. You must...make...postcards or cards of this one!


Beautiful piece Kathy

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