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May 07, 2009


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It just makes my heart sing every time I read your words about your family! And a daughter not only trusting a mother's taste, but actually asking you to do it, seems like a rarity. It speaks volumes of who you are! Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to you Mrs. Botsford! Have a fabulous weekend... things are really ramping up for you right now, so let's see what we can get on the calendar to reschedule a weekend for me to come down.

Talk to you soon.... xoxox

Oh my gosh . . . I haven't even been through a high school graduation yet. Can't imagine college graduation. Have a lovely, lovely (memory filled) weekend and celebrate the gift that is Alex.

Beautiful and lovely, your collage is... congratulations on your daughters graduation from college. I found the whole experience to be so moving when my daughter graduated. How special and sweet this time must be for all of you... Roxanne

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