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May 28, 2009


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As you know, I so feel your melancholy on this one. I sit home alone tonight with Mr. Mom at tennis and Kate at Parker's ballgame in a nearby town (she DROVE him!).

In less than three months, she's now driving everywhere. Oh my, oh my, oh my. What will we do?

OMG Kathy I can't stop looking at those pictures. She was & is SO adorable!!!
And once again I am so DEEPLY moved by your relationship w/ your daughters & your son! The pieces of conversation that you share here is just SO precious! It speaks SO much to you & to them!
I would be a bit concerned if you just felt relief at this transition. Tho' many do.
Kathy, your heart speaks deeply thru every word you write & every single thing you create! It is what I love most about you!!!

Lovely photographs and story... it is sad when they get their driver's liscences... but happy too, my son got his a month ago... Roxanne

Now this makes me cry. The forever kind of tears.

Kath, OMG, The Chair!I remember and love the times I used to help pose and try to get Ron's kids to smile...That was a GREAT job!!. I can see Victoria as a beautiful child and I see exactly the same as she "grows up". "These ARE the best times of our life!"

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