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July 25, 2009


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How exciting Kathy....AND bittersweet...the relationship that you have w/ your kids is SO incredible! And w/ that comes all the changes. I always love how you hold the paradox of all of it. And your willingness to write about all of it. It is your heart I always hear in your words. It is your heart that is truly inspiring....

You know, that's a good point -- that we can't have the "in the moment" without the thinking about the future. Or, couldn't appreciate those moments when we are fully present if that's ALL we had. I'll try to remember that...

Yes, chaos and order, much like what Nick Bantock taught me last week...(is it over so soon...) My life is both right now as well. I still don't know what school I will work at in September, but I feel strongly that I will love my class as I always have before. And I will be a fighter for the arts... Roxanne

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