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August 28, 2009


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Absolutely BEAUTIFUL post Kathy!
I have been spending most of my time on Facebook & not much time here in blogland. I think of you so SO often! And have missed you tremendously! Is that possible when we hardly know each other? The impact that you made on my life earlier this year is still deeply felt & I wanted you to know that.
I didn't get to have connections w/ my family while they were alive. But my Dad & my Grandmother are showing up now. It has been an interesting process to explore. And PROFOUNDLY beautiful!
I always always LOVE when I see that you have a new post! Thank you precious one for all that you are & the places you are willing to go in how you respond to what transpires around you...

Good timing. I was engaging in the flip-side of this today, thinking about negative traits of my mother's, how they've impacted me, things about myself I don't like - -just this destructive litany. And pointless. Glad to stop in my tracks after reading this beautiful, charitable post. I'm taking a couple of deep breaths now and am going to try to (again) remember this lesson.

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