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January 03, 2010


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I bet the feel of all those ancient beads is incredible...maybe you can almost sense the history in them? I'm sure you will create the most amazing pieces, as you always do...xo

Your beads and jewelry are so gorgeous! It is interesting to wonder how many were "worry beads" or whatever the culture calls them.

Marilyn, In this photo, the red beads with the hunk of coral and the buddha, the green beads with the turquoise and coral inlaid and the gold leafed buddha heads are all prayer beads from Tibet and Nepal. The red ones are also inlaid with coral, turquoise and gold. The gold and the green are yak bone. I hesitate to cut 'prayer beads' apart and have many in my collection that I will never use in jewelry design but I also like the idea of keeping the 'prayer line' circulating in modern times. Thanks for your interest!

I felt tingles up my spine as I read your words "The old and dusty prayers repeated and repeated as human fingers long gone, held fast to the promise of an eternal life."...bead work, any creative task can transport us into a meditative state...but how much more so when the beads themselves have come from distant times and lands.

I haven't had a chance to dress up and go out and wear the necklace you made for me yet...but now I feel inspired to just hold it and gently slide the beads between my fingers as I meditate tomorrow morning!

Wow, what a fabulous collection of beads! I am inspired by just looking at them and thinking of all the possibilities they represent!

As soon as I saw this picture I felt the beads' presence. Then to read what you wrote, took the experience so much deeper! Oh how I wish we lived closer so that we could play! Somehow I just know we would have SO much fun....
Hope you are having a beautiful birthday today!!! I tho't of you this morning & wondered what 1/11/11 will be like for you ;)) Your birth is a beautiful & sacred gift to the world.....
HUGE hugs~~~

Just want to wish you a happy and healthy 2010! What an amazing grouping of beads.

Dear heart, I LOVED this post so much! So heartfelt and beautiful. Something about your words touched my soul.

Happy, happy birthday, dear one. Your ability to convey the sensitivity of your spirit through your words and your creations brings tears to my eyes. You are a gift to your family, to your friends and to me. Thank you.

Much love always,

What beautiful words, the "wisdom of the beads." Very powerful post, I especially love the last paragraph, and had to read it several times... happy wednesday to you, roxanne

What a sumptuous array of beads - ripe with story - just gorgeous. Wishing you an equally rich 54th year full of creative adventures, new stories, and rich connections to all you cherish.


I would love to feel these ancient beads in my hands. Love your web design. And what a gorgeous family you have! Great smiles.

These beads talk to me! Creating is the quickest most wonderful way to find peace and balance in my life.

Kathleen, thanks for the recent email. My email to you returned Mail Failure again. Gremlins!

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