I created this collage yesterday. I was experimenting with ink and water so I threw caution to the wind and added one of my precious antique scraps of paper. Those of you who do not have this hoarding disorder may not really appreciate how hard it it to let these little tid bits go. But as I sit and contemplate this piece, I find so many of my lessons peeking through.
Of course the big and most obvious is letting go. With relationships, children, a way of life, or the simple quiet of the morning that is now and has been accompanied by hammers and saws for over a month, life is about living in the present and letting go of the resistance to have it look any way other than how it does this very minute. (That's a very long sentence but I am letting go of my need to re-write it!)
I think my letting go muscles are getting stronger. I am getting more and more comfortable with the mystery of not knowing how things will work out. Just letting them be as they are and staying present in the moment.
Giving birth and nourishing,
Having without possessing,
acting with no expectations,
leading and not trying to control:
this is the supreme virtue.
Stephen Mitchell, Tao Te Ching
good words
Posted by: n2theblue | March 06, 2011 at 01:23 PM
Beautiful collage. Perfect sentiment. Letting go. Letting the ink run. Loving the result.
Posted by: Connie | March 19, 2011 at 06:45 AM
I am at the letting go phase of life. I love the collage it is pretty and BRIGHT in color. I love the way you recycled and honored your antique scrap paper. ~Love it~
Posted by: Joan DeBlasio | April 09, 2011 at 09:52 AM